Monday 5 January 2015

BDSMonday - Nontraditional Bondage

It's BDSMonday! 

Tying someone up can be easy (or really, really complicated). There are handcuffs (which I'm not a huge fan of, honestly. They're cold, uncomfortable, and leave awkward marks), leather cuffs, rope. You can get a little more creative and use belts, ribbon, ties, all sorts of things that are lying around!

But it doesn't end there!

I was thinking about alternate types of bondage last night, and my brain went straight to this: 

Side note: The Mummy is one of my favourite movies (I can watch it, Jurassic Park 1 or 3 [but not 2], or Jaws pretty much any time). 

Obviously I'm not advocating keeping people as property against their will, but I like the idea of 'bondage' that will show if you've moved without permission...and then of course you have to be punished :D

There's also mental bondage. The bottom (etc) isn't physically restrained, but they're put in a certain position and told to stay just like that...or else ;)

I've done some mental bondage, and I'd like to do more, but my wife and I haven't come up with many scenes for it. 

I'd love to hear any ideas you have along these lines, whether it's a fantasy or something you've done/heard of someone doing. 

BDSM readers--have you read any bondage scenes that involved mental bondage, or something used besides a physical restraint? 

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